Thursday, June 14, 2007

Don't Look Back, You Can Never Look Back

So hi, I'm alive. We all survived our Cedar Point Trip Tuesday/Wednesday. We rode the Maverick which is pretty much amazing. It's most definately worth the wait in line and it moves fast since they have like five trains...and as long as it doesn't break down, which it did atleast twice while we were there. Erin bought the picture of us on it....if she scans it and puts it up online, I'll post it. So yeah can't wait until next year when we do it all again except on Sr. Skip day...and we go with even more of our amazing friends.

I'm pretty much recooping all the money I spent on the Cedar Point trip over the next few weeks which is all good. Keep those weddings coming.

This weekend is ribfest and that should be awesome as well except for the fact that it's going to be in the 90's....ah oh well atleast they have a big ampitheater likeish thing to sit under...I'd call it a tent but it's So yeah, tasty-ness. I just don't think I could ever pull off the vegeterian thing...sorry.

I did eat pretty healthy today though, except for like a handful of skittles. For lunch I had tomatoe penne or however you spell it, for supper we had tuna salad sandwhiches, and then I had some cottage cheese, tomatoe, and then peaches. Tommorrow though in honor of Bob Barker's last episode of The Price is Right, we're making Patty there goes the healthiness thing haha. That and eating a lot of ribs this weekend.

Oh and I'm currently on the quest for a bag to carry like pens, pencils, and calculator for next year since backpacks have been axed. I think I may actually have to go to a store to look haha. Because it can't be big enough to hold a book...but yet it has to be big enough to hold my calculator which is a TI-83 so yeah. haha. That's why I've started looking early.

Ok so I'm done boring you guys.....enjoy your Fridays and weekends for that matter.

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