Friday, June 08, 2007

Let's Do This.

So....t-minus 3 days not counting today! EXCITED! So far the weather forcast says partly cloudy and low 80's....practically perfect weather. I've bought travel size sunblock haha. It's pretty nifty.

Anyways, yesterday the first official day of Summer Break was actually a pretty productive day for me. I worked a bunch on the story, and it's getting pretty intense. We're getting down to the death of one of the main characters which is actually pretty sad. But it's been a long time coming. So I guess all good things must end. I also read half a book, washed dishes.....and caught up on all my crappy summertime talk shows. This morning I watch the Price is Right and all is good in the world haha.

Oh...I got my SAT scores yesterday too...I did alright I guess, My reading scores were math were so-so. Not good enough for Stephens but my GPA isn't a 3.75 either, so I probably wouldn't have gone there anyways. Not to mention that without Room and Board it's over 30 grand a year. Oh and that's without the out of state thing too. So I'll probably be staying instate...still possibly going to Ball State though. We'll see how things go.

Alright we'll I'm gonna mapquest some stuff so later kidz.

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