Monday, June 04, 2007

The Next 3 Hours Commercial Free

So only 2 days of school left until I'm officially a Senior. AH yes! Excitement. Not so much about the whole being a Senior thing because as usual once I hit the top of something, our class get's screwed over.

We have to use our lockers next year at school because of security issues or some crap like that. Our lockers are TINY. I don't know how I'm even going to fit a backpack in one. So today I heard, that the year after we graduate, they're going to get all new, bigger lockers. Uh yeah....thanks a lot. Same kinda crap went down when I was in 8th grade...I'm jinxed I guess.

Anyways, I'm really really excited about going to Cedar Point next Tuesday....YES. Just the 4 of us having an amazingly awesome time. So yeah, it should be fun and interesting and true test if we can pull this all off again next year for Senior Skip Day.

So all I have left of school are Math and Chem finals that I can use notes on...oh and a pointless presentation in Computer Aps, which we should hopefully pass now that I pulled off the miracle 15 minute DVD case, hopefully she doesn't realize I just copied and pasted the movie synopsis off of yahoo onto the back of the DVD case. Haha.

Alright well...that's pretty much all I have to say, oh except that I want to buy a tarp and make a really big slip n' slide in my back yard sometime this summer. So many bruises from that kind of stuff but yet extremely fun.

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