Friday, February 23, 2007

We're Not Crazy....

So today as we got in the car, Big Balls comes blastin' out of the radio. So we crank it up and roll down the windows and all four of us rock out to Big Balls while leaving the parking lot. Haha it was fun seeing people's reactions.

Today was alright besides it hurting to breathe all day. Oh and finding out that our Chemistry classroom is full of radiation. Ha! Great ya know?

We're supposed to have an ice storm this weekend...just freakin' great. We don't need to miss anymore school. We're already going to June 6th. At this rate we'll be in school until July and have like no Summer vacation. Because we can't use Federal Holidays as make-up days. Gah. Stupid public school system and stupid weather. The whole going to school until June 6th jeporadizes the possibility of me getting that summer position at the library. Because They wanted people to come in that week and train....and gah. Just bad news ya know? Although I don't know if I should apply anywhere else just yet. You see it's wedding season my friends. Sources have told me that 20 weddings are scheduled between now and the end of May. Holy Schnikes right? Yay for people getting married! Which also has me worried about the weekend of our possible Cedar Point Trip...gah...I need the cash...but I think I'd rather loose 25 bucks and go to Cedar Point instead ya know? But then they might get someone else to do it and that'd be bad news ya know? Cause then they'd ask that person to tape weddings too...and I wouldn't get as much moolah towards a car fund ect...ya know?

Gah...I'll probably just start applying at real jobs just incase. Ah well I'm out of things to say.

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