Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Running with Scissors Wasn't Smart....

Again totally random title so don't even worry about it. Gosh.

So I deal with problems by not dealing with them. If that even makes any sense at all. Well let me a explain a bit. Say I'm doing a chemistry problem for homework. And I get to one that's completely confusing and and wacko haha. I usually just don't do it and wait to ask the teacher or soemone else about it the next day. So I don't stress over something completely stupid. It must be working alright for me in Chemistry...I got a 93 on my last test that I took yesterday. Go me! Yes!

I guess when it comes to problems or issues that I may have with people, I either let it go because it's something entirely too stupid to even worry about resolving or I completely avoid the issue all together. Now I know that's probably not the "right" thing to do but there's bigger fish to fry in my life. Bigger issues that need addressed.

Maybe that whole era is over in my life....maybe it's time for me to just let go completely. Actually most of me has, but there's still a tiny part of me going...maybe just maybe things will work out and there will be lots more fun memories. But The majority of my brain is saying YEAH RIGHT FAT CHANCE. Which almost makes me want to write my paper that's due Friday about those good times. I'm still pretty much undecided about that though.

People come in and out of your life. Saying Goodbye and Letting Go are the hardest parts. But hey, I guess that's life right? You're not going to have the same best friends you had in kindergarten when your 25 years old. Ok so there's probably exceptions out there but very few. People just leave you once again just getting up for the let down. Most people are just all talk and no action anyways...why bother with them? Plus do you really want to be associated with people who change themselves a whole lot for someone else? I can't speak for anyone else besides myself....but too me...that's just ehhh...not to ducky...haha I said ducky.

I have to go finish a little math homework...and then who knows what. We miraciously have no chem homework tonight and that makes me happy.

Take pleasure in the little things...but on the other hand. Don't sweat the small stuff.

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