Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Return Of No School Tuesdays!

Ok so they never really stopped happening. But I find it kind of ironic that is the 3rd Tuesday in a row that we haven't had school. And they've already closed us for tommorrow which is A-Ok with me. Since I'm still working on reading that stupid book for my book report...ehh...

So anyways last night all the weather people were freaking out saying we were going to get like almost 2 feet of snow or something. We've gotten 4 inches and they declare a snow emergency...eh what can ya do? It is drifting pretty bad and isn't done snowing yet. So whatever.

I think snow stops being fun once you have to stop playing in it and start shoveling it. Just my personal opinion anyways. I shoveled the driveway and walk today. Came back in and my fingers were like frozen. Hah. I even wore my brother's heavy duty gloves....stupid Windchill factor.

So will we have school next Tuesday? Are they going to go on for 4 consecutive weeks? Only time will tell.

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