Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Running with Scissors Wasn't Smart....

Again totally random title so don't even worry about it. Gosh.

So I deal with problems by not dealing with them. If that even makes any sense at all. Well let me a explain a bit. Say I'm doing a chemistry problem for homework. And I get to one that's completely confusing and and wacko haha. I usually just don't do it and wait to ask the teacher or soemone else about it the next day. So I don't stress over something completely stupid. It must be working alright for me in Chemistry...I got a 93 on my last test that I took yesterday. Go me! Yes!

I guess when it comes to problems or issues that I may have with people, I either let it go because it's something entirely too stupid to even worry about resolving or I completely avoid the issue all together. Now I know that's probably not the "right" thing to do but there's bigger fish to fry in my life. Bigger issues that need addressed.

Maybe that whole era is over in my life....maybe it's time for me to just let go completely. Actually most of me has, but there's still a tiny part of me going...maybe just maybe things will work out and there will be lots more fun memories. But The majority of my brain is saying YEAH RIGHT FAT CHANCE. Which almost makes me want to write my paper that's due Friday about those good times. I'm still pretty much undecided about that though.

People come in and out of your life. Saying Goodbye and Letting Go are the hardest parts. But hey, I guess that's life right? You're not going to have the same best friends you had in kindergarten when your 25 years old. Ok so there's probably exceptions out there but very few. People just leave you once again just getting up for the let down. Most people are just all talk and no action anyways...why bother with them? Plus do you really want to be associated with people who change themselves a whole lot for someone else? I can't speak for anyone else besides myself....but too me...that's just ehhh...not to ducky...haha I said ducky.

I have to go finish a little math homework...and then who knows what. We miraciously have no chem homework tonight and that makes me happy.

Take pleasure in the little things...but on the other hand. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Friday, February 23, 2007

We're Not Crazy....

So today as we got in the car, Big Balls comes blastin' out of the radio. So we crank it up and roll down the windows and all four of us rock out to Big Balls while leaving the parking lot. Haha it was fun seeing people's reactions.

Today was alright besides it hurting to breathe all day. Oh and finding out that our Chemistry classroom is full of radiation. Ha! Great ya know?

We're supposed to have an ice storm this weekend...just freakin' great. We don't need to miss anymore school. We're already going to June 6th. At this rate we'll be in school until July and have like no Summer vacation. Because we can't use Federal Holidays as make-up days. Gah. Stupid public school system and stupid weather. The whole going to school until June 6th jeporadizes the possibility of me getting that summer position at the library. Because They wanted people to come in that week and train....and gah. Just bad news ya know? Although I don't know if I should apply anywhere else just yet. You see it's wedding season my friends. Sources have told me that 20 weddings are scheduled between now and the end of May. Holy Schnikes right? Yay for people getting married! Which also has me worried about the weekend of our possible Cedar Point Trip...gah...I need the cash...but I think I'd rather loose 25 bucks and go to Cedar Point instead ya know? But then they might get someone else to do it and that'd be bad news ya know? Cause then they'd ask that person to tape weddings too...and I wouldn't get as much moolah towards a car fund ect...ya know?

Gah...I'll probably just start applying at real jobs just incase. Ah well I'm out of things to say.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I Can't Believe It's Been Two Years Already.

RIP Blink...gone but still loved by millions of kids out there.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Spontanious Combustion....

I have no clue as to why I titled it that, so don't even bother trying to decode it or some shit like that.

So, we have yet to have a full week of school in February. No school yet again today because of fog and black ice this morning....our foot of snow is now rapidly melting and it's about 50 degrees. Yes, I am the crazy person sitting around in shorts...I went out to get the mail and was like whoa....warmness...and no more hands freezing off haha.

Have you ever felt like you know you should stop thinking about someone but yet you can't. Like they always seem to keep popping up in your head. Even though you and that person are living completely seperate lives and you almost want to punch that person one minute but the next you want to do the complete opposite? If that even makes any sense at all.

I guess I've just been thinking about my latest English assignment. We have to write about a person in our lives...who is memorable to us. So far I have 3-4 different people in mind, but I haven't fully decided who I want to write about yet. It's not due until next Friday so I still have some time to decide who I'll write about it.

I really don't have much else to say for myself right now.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Photo Finish

So congrats to Happy aka Kevin Harvick for winning the Daytona 500 aka the Super Bowl of Nascar. So in my house we've started a fantasy league and I'm winning. Yesh!

Anyways, today I've realized that I've been listening to The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance a bunch. It's a pretty decent album...at first I didn't want to listen to it because I was being a music snob and saying...blah blah I don't like MCR cause they're all popular and junk. But listen to this album it's awesome. I like it better than Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. In a way , it has that classic rock feel. It definately doesn't sound like a lot of the other stuff out there right now....such as Fall Out Boy, Cute Is What We Aim For..ect...Ok so I'm not a super obsessed fan who cares about what color Gerard Way's hair is..I just think it's a solid album and I'd reccommend it. One of the things that makes me like is the obvious energy put into the vocals and music. Energy from a band definately sells me on bands, wether it be acoustic or whatever. Chris Carabba has engery...Ben Folds, Conor Obrest...I could go on and on. If it just feels like the artist hasn't really put their all into a song..then I'm not really impressed by it.

So I also declared this weekend to be free of a certain person weekend because by Friday night, I was severly annoyed with them and mad at them for really no good reason. Yesterday it was hard, they were online like all day. But that's alright I'm proud of myself for being able to let myself cool down so I wouldn't say anything extremely stupid or mean to this person.

Ok well I'll probably update again tommorrow, but right now I'm going to go do other things. Happy Presidents day tommorrow kidzzzz...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Return Of No School Tuesdays!

Ok so they never really stopped happening. But I find it kind of ironic that is the 3rd Tuesday in a row that we haven't had school. And they've already closed us for tommorrow which is A-Ok with me. Since I'm still working on reading that stupid book for my book report...ehh...

So anyways last night all the weather people were freaking out saying we were going to get like almost 2 feet of snow or something. We've gotten 4 inches and they declare a snow emergency...eh what can ya do? It is drifting pretty bad and isn't done snowing yet. So whatever.

I think snow stops being fun once you have to stop playing in it and start shoveling it. Just my personal opinion anyways. I shoveled the driveway and walk today. Came back in and my fingers were like frozen. Hah. I even wore my brother's heavy duty gloves....stupid Windchill factor.

So will we have school next Tuesday? Are they going to go on for 4 consecutive weeks? Only time will tell.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Broken This Fragile Thing Now.

Today I feel weak. Phsyically weak. Mentally Weak. Just weak all around.

I don't feel happy or giddy like I did earlier this week when I was posting about warped tour, and my favorite sites ect. I just feel like I want to lay in bed...and stare at the TV regardless if I like what's on or not. I just want to be hugged...or held...or talked to. I want to be somewhat babied today. I don't know why...but I do.

I've been having flashbacks of what's happened over the past year or so...and everytime I have one, the feelings that I was having at that time just come rushing back too. I hate that. Because they aren't generally good feelings.

I remember earlier this year writing a blog on here about having the one person who completes you. I don't think I have that person anymore. I think all I have now are people who make me feel stupid, inferior, ugly, fat...ect. Nobody to give me a pat on the back once in awhile. I want that person who completes me back...But I don't know if that'll happen. Sure conversations are great, but you can't help but feel that that person is slowly drifting away from year.

Pretty much the only thing going for me right now is my good grades. My lowest grade is a B+ and it's Chemistry. Other than that, I'm pretty much going through the motions, I've got nothing else to keep me going. Just school. Which in a way is kind of sad and depressing. It's me, going to school, coming home, going to my room, doing my homework, watching tv/surfing the net, going to bed and then doing it all over again.

My body can't handle being awake for much more than 12 hours now. I find myself falling asleep infront of the TV like I did when I was younger and I always tried to stay awake for Nash Bridges on Friday Nights. The Funny thing is was that show was on at 10 PM....and yet again I'm falling asleep that earlier..say when Law and Order is on, or when ER is on.

So I dont' know...I'm going to be getting my liscense within the next month. Maybe that'll help boost my ego some. Hah, I can't believe that I need an ego boost. But I suppose everyone does once in awhile.

Oh and I have one free gift to give to someone on Facebook...and I have no clue as to whom I should give it to...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Things Sarah Is Currently Majorly Liking (err Obsessed with..Shh..)

Last FM

New Found Glory Ok...well that's a good what 6 years running now? Ha.

Facebook And it's awesome groups...

Loveline what? Sue me?

APNet Psh yeah

Pogo Turbo 21, and Pogo Bowl whattt!?

Live 365 Even though the Rusty Trombone is always full and I can hardly ever listen to it anymore ugh!


File Mp3 Even though I think I might've been booted off...my share ratio isn't what it used to be.

Album Base

91.1 the Point While Driving of Course...I don't get it in the house for some stupid reason

Blogs and Blogging in general of course.

Oh and Podcasts and such.

Zebra Cakes, White Castles, and Hershey's Cookies and Cream bars....Oh and Funky hats...that are fun to wear.

Pop Punk That Gets It Krunk

Ok so I stole my Title from an Emo Side Project CD but that's besides the point. I got bored today after school and decided to make a pop-punkish mix to share with you people. Because I've been super hyped lately and Pop Punk is just fun to dance/rock out to So here's some pretty cool songs for you to enjoy.

1.Typical by Rory
2.Dammit by Blink 182
3.The Art of Losing by American Hi-Fi
4.The Keys To My Organ by My American Heart
5.Flashlight by Punchline
6.The Best of Me by The Starting Line
7.Hey Driver by Lucky Boys Confusion
8.Heaven Isn't Too Far Away by New Found Glory
9.Still Waiting by Sum 41

Download Here

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Couldn't Wait for the Summer at the Warped Tour

So...it's time for my freak out, in a good sense.

It was like just announced that NFG will play the entire Warped Tour...which is mucho awesome. Because first of all it's NFG. 2nd, in Indy and not like 40 bucks. 3rd, I'll have my liscense!

Now the downside, I don't know who I could get to come with, ain't no way I'm going to Warped by myself..it just wouldn't be as fun. But it's only February and Warped hits Indy usually in July so I have lots of time to fnd people to come with me. So we can have mucho fun and fufill my dream of seeing NFG.

And that was my minor freak out. And I want to go to Warped and eat White Castles, and get all hot, sweaty, sun burnt, and stinky....and have a kick ass time at warped tour.

Ok well yeah that's pretty much all I had to say.
No School Tuesdays!?!

I could definately get used to this, have 2 days off for the weekend, go to school on Monday and then have another day off. Haha.

But Yeah I really just want to complain about middle school kids...and their lack of musical knowledge. I hate that most of them either listen to what's on the radio/mtv...or they raid their parents cd collections and start listening to 80's hair metal. Which by the way there's nothing wrong with either, it just bugs me that they haven't even made an attempt to go searching for music outside of their little world they're living in. I don't know about them but when I was in 7th and 8th grade I was hittin' up mp3.com..yes..back when there was an mp3.com...I got a lot of good stuff there back in the day. And then when purevolume started I was all over that scoping out new bands. Plus my freakin' Launchcast station was amazing. I bought a lot of cds because of that thing.

I feel like going up to the middle school kids I know and just handing them mixed cds...and be like here listen to this...or something. But I know they won't listen to them, so I won't waste the time or the effort.

Another reason I feel like I should get back into podcasting....just to introduce new music to people...I'm constantly adding on to my music library, old music and new music. Which is awesome. I don't know we'll see, maybe it'll be my summer project, depending on the job I get...I definately have to get a job. Yep. Oh and if I can find some decent podcasting software. That'd be key too. Propaganda is good...but I'd need the full version ya know? The little ads are annoying as hell. Butt...I want to get vista on here before I start messing around with podcasting software..I just have to move everything to my D drive...so I can get that rollin'.

Ah well I just wanted to complain a bit.

Monday, February 05, 2007

We're the Kids, We're the Kids, We're the Kids of America....

So, I was feeling very nastolgic today. Maybe it was the whole 2 hour delay thing that took me back. I don't know. But it was pretty decent besides the fact that I was in mucho pain most of the day but I'm alive so it's all good. Let's just say my body and cold weather don't mix well together at all.

Anyways, I was seriously very lucky my bus was running this morning we had 70 buses break down. Which is why we don't have school tommorrow yesh! That means I don't have to worry about doing my chem homework tonight. I can spend tommorrow doing that, watching HBO, and just generally chillin'....oh and SLEEPING IN! AH yes!

Anyways back to my day....3rd period I couldn't concentrate at all because of the pain...but yeah..by the time we went to lunch I started getting hyper. I took a test on Web MD to see if I have ADHD lmao...and it said I had severe symptoms haha. I highly doubt any doctor would actually diagnose me with ADHD though.

So we all load into Erin's car after school, Me, Erin, Mikah, and Chase...and we start rolling after we drop off Chase, the Rock Show comes on when Erin had her ipod on shuffle..oh man that was fun just rockin' out to that.

I get home and want to put an old blink song on my myspace but couldn't find one...so whatever I put up an old NFG song off of NGCS up. Which caused me to listen to that album while I was doing my Math Homework...Then I decided to take a break from inbetween math and chem homework so I get on myspace and kids are going crazy posting bullentins about how we don't have school tommorrow. I literally said, "NO! WAY!" Like Rusty in Vegas Vacation...so I check and it's TRUE yes!

I turned in my aps today at the library, and we picked up the mommerz...the got some Taco Hell, I'm just going to chill tonight and watch some TVizzle...and jam...I'm in a super pop-punk mood right now...I feel like dancing and jumping and doing crazy ass things. SO yeah. OH and New Myspace pics go check em' out and comment them and such...yahhhh...tis' all for me right now kids...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

For my birthday we should do this..it'd be uber fun....

March, 31 2007 at catatonic clothing show
-, columbia city, Indiana -
Cost : $5?

Bands- Blame It On Rio, Molotov Cocktail Party, Wombash , Ghost Of Maine, Still Beating , Zephiniah

Oh and we're planning a Cedar Point Trip for this May...if you want in lemme know. Nothing is set in stone but we're thinking the 25th.

More details on these events in the future...just throwing them out there.