Saturday, May 09, 2009

Day 3

Today was pretty good. Went bowling with Adam, Marc, Charles, his girlfriend and some other people. Then to Taco Bell of course haha.

Also watched Patch Adams this afternoon. And I've decided to pick up reading a new book series. I already know I want to read the twilight series but I need to put holds on the books. So today I picked a variety of first books from different series. Well sorta, I got the 2nd book in the traveling pants series, The Golden Compass, and some other one I can't think of off the top of my head.

I'm just pretty sore right now, and hoping going to my Grandma's house won't be a fiasco like it was the last time we were there. Oh you know, no tornado warnings, no bats, no fearing for my life in the car on the way over and back. One can hope right? But so far so good this summer, the only tears shed have been over realizing that summer is entirely too long and that I'm going to miss seeing everyone everyday.

Ah well back to watching Monk.

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