Friday, January 09, 2009

1ish Day to Go!

So last night was pretty much the best night of break by far! Got to hangout with Adam, and some other friends as well. I think it's the longest period of time over break we actually got to spend together. Which was very very very very very nice. Only downside was that when I went home and went to bed...nausea but I'm ok now...well stomach wise.

I tried to do something nice for my brother today. See it snowed and he's still on cructhes so I went out this afternoon after it had stopped snowing and shovled the walk and the driveway. Now I'm paying for my good deeds, arms are killing me...cut them off please, thanks. Plus it's in my back a bit but that's barely noticable agains the arms. I'm missing my icy hot right about now haha. May have to take a nsaid tonight to get to sleep.

I've been thinking here in the last few hours about some stuff, not necssairly bad things. But just things I need to work on. One of which is complaining less about my damn aches and pains. We all know that I have them by need to make a huge fuss everytime it happens. Also thinking before I speak...wouldn't kill me in pretty much every aspect of my life...with my parents, Adam, kids in class....pretty much anybody. I know I say some things I shouldn't and I'm determined to make that a less frequent happening. Another thing is being less anxious...if I can find a way to worry less and have less stomach aches. Dude...bring it on. I'd rather to be able to eat what I want and have my pants fitting tight than be swimming in them and and being naucious at night several times a week.

Well...I think my parents just got home, so tis all for me tonight.

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