Thursday, January 01, 2009


It's officially 2009.

2009, holds a lot of uncertainties for everyone I know. Sure, we're in college for this Spring semester, but will we be coming back next Fall. None of this based off grades of course. Kids my age, who like me are jobless and just in school = SOL. Atleast that's the bad feeling I'm getting. I just hope that the feeling is extremely wrong.

But I'm getting extremely ahead of myself, I should just focus on this spring and making the most of that. Can't help it that I'm a worry-er. I hate that sometimes, I get worried about events that are too far in the future. I need to stop that.

I guess, whatever 2009 has in store for me will happen and I should just be ok with that and roll with the punches. I've already accepted that I won't be as close to some people as I once was, we've all grown up and went our seperate ways...sometimes it's just better to completely sever the ties.

We'll see I guess...damn I need to stop being this negative bitter old woman...I'm only 18. 19 in 3 months. Yikes.

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