Thursday, January 29, 2009

Almost the Weekend....

Well the good news is that we had a snow day yesterday due to a foot of snow falling here at good ole' BSU.

Bad news is that life is chaotic and that this is a scary time for pretty much a lot of people I know. I wish we were maybe older or younger, older so we would've been through school by now...younger so we could still cling on to worry free childhoods for the most part. Unfortunately it isn't that simple. Atleast we've all got each other...together we'll get through all of this. Atleast...that makes it seem a little less scary.

The present needs to be a time of change, something has to be done...I just hope it's sooner rather than later. Back to what Dr. Mike said, Hope...Pray....Go Outside enjoy the weather, and remember atleast your in college by the fact alone you're helping your future.

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