Sunday, September 07, 2008

Casualities of the Weekend.

So this weekend was pretty great. Friday night we went and saw Made of Honor at Pruis. Then came back here and watched Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Then after that There's Something About Mary...needless to say we were up until 4ish in the morning.

Saturday we all got up in time for lunch then decided to go see what was playing at the local movie theater, it was all blah so we headed to Target where I got two longsleeve shirts so I can layer. Then we went to the Mall ended up going into Charlotte Rousse or however you spell a whole outfit for like 12 bucks. Shoes and everything. We then discussed going to Texas Roadhouse got there and it was we went to the Village for Pita Pit. Which was pretty much amazing. I want to try a Hummus one sometime. Oh did I mention I dropped my lanyard in the Movie Theater parking lot...and the back popped off my monkey watch.

We came back to our dorm, hungout until late was all good until I tripped over Adam's foot and jacked up my toe. :( So we came back and I iced it...everyone then came back up here to watch Heavyweights with us...we had 7 people in our room last night until like 3 AM lol.

Got up this morning 10:30 ish and did laundry. Went got food...we went to Wally World. Came back to write my English paper. We went to America's Buffet tonight, it was alright....I like The Retreat at Noyer better, more dessert choices. Then we went down to the guys' room to watch Shaun of the Dead. Pretty good movie. Afterwards we went upstairs and I'd forgotten my folder downstairs and as I'm leaving I realize that the clock face on my monkey watch is completely gone. So now I'm watchless. :( So hopefully I'll get some kind of replacement soon...we were at Wally World today and they didn't have any. I also checked their luck.

So yeah...bummer. I need to go study for my Psych test I'm taking tommorrow tis all for now. Yeah I realize this was probably boring to read....oh well.

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