Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where Have All The Good Times Gone?

So I'm not going to talk about the shitty aspects of the week, I'm going to focus on the good parts.

Last night was this music on Mckinnely thing and I got an email with the schedule of the performers and noticed that one of the RA's who we're friends with was playing as was Ryan from the Ryan Daniels band from back in the day, I'm talking Freshmen year in high school back in the day. I went in wanting to see Ryan play for sure just because I thought it was cool that I started out high school seeing him play and now I'm starting college off that way too. We watched him for a few songs than went and caught Derek's set. Amazing. I love that feeling of seeing live music.

One of the greatest feelings in the world to me is just sitting there and listening and enjoying. We sat there on the grass as the sun was setting, with the sounds of their voices and acoustic guitar filling my ears. Love it.

Then tonight Cameron and I went to see Violet. I had to go for my English class, and thought it was going to suck but honestly it's probably the best muiscal I've ever seen performed. I really liked it. Again it was just this nice tingly feeling that overcame my whole body as I felt the music.

Music Recs:
Way to Normal by Ben Folds and The Glass Passenger by Jack's Mannequin come out this coming Tuesday September 30th, both are sure to be amazing, so check them both out!

Oh yeah my mom and aunt are coming tommorrow....uhh...yay?

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