Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Half-Way Through The Week

Not that I feel good about that, I just want this week to be over so badly. I want this stupid astro test to be over. I just want to plug myself in and work on my website for T-Com. I want to lay in bed all day and not have to do anything.

I don't want nightmares about horrible things happening anymore. Last night I had another dream like I had that one time where gas cost like $6 bucks and people went nuts and raided everything. Except this time I was at a grocery store and all of a sudden a huge warning siren goes off and the cut to a news report of like this huge ass war like I'm talking World War scale. So people freak and grab a whole bunch of stuff. I just happen to be with Adam and I look over at him and just cry...and he asks me what's wrong and I tell him...that he'll probably get drafted or some thing like that. And I dunno It was just weird I remember I bought like a case of popcorn or something because I was convinced we could survive off of that if we ran out of food.

I dunno weird dreams once again. Then I remember waking up at 5:30 and going oh only 2 more hours to sleep and it takes your body an hour and a half to get asleep really well. Haha cause I learnt that in Psych yesterday.

Alright well I'm off to see Dr. Mike in T-Com....hey atleast it's another payne free day!

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