Sunday, September 14, 2008

Effect & Cause

So, I was reading my English assignment a little while ago and one thing about it has stuck out in my mind; one of the essays we had to read was talking about how kids in my generation tend to use their hobbies/intrests, favorite tv shows, favorite music to cover up whatever they don't want to think about.

Guilty as charged. I tend to do that...ALL THE TIME. Like right now...listening to music is definately helping me keep my mind off of a whole slew of things that I'm hoping will just leave my mind by the time morning hits.

Today, I've thought about so many things it's not even funny. I'm talking things that aren't even related to classes or schoolwork or...any of that. Most of the thoughts were about the past....the present...and yes even the future. I even thought about Mr. Crowley today. As much as I hate to admit it...that man has made a postive impression on me and I'll probably never forget him. I just remember what I heard on three seperate occassions over the three semesters I had him. The 3 Steps to Success: Graduate High School, Don't have a Kid until you're married, Don't get Married until you're well out of college. And dammit...I've already completed the first step...and I don't plan on deviating from the other two either.

Seeing a baby and how much work that has to be put into raising one is the best birth control in the world. No thanks...pass. I'll just let other people have the babies.

Anyway getting away from babies, I don't my head was like the weather outside...a whirl wind of all kinds of things. I questioned things, I decided some things, I considered things, I remembered things, and the day isn't technically over yet...I really don't think the things I thought about should be blogged...because well maybe someday I'll let you in...but for now...definately not.

On a completely different note, Late Night Karaoke last night was hilarious...can I just say 4 guys up there singing "Sarah's Mom Has Got It Going On...." nuff' said. This week is going to be insanely busy and hectic. So I really don't know when I'll get another chance to blog.

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