Sunday, September 28, 2008

1st Day of Shooting

We started shooting our trailer for Cardinal Filmworks today. Spent over 5 hours total in pre-production and production just today. Starting at like 3 AM haha. I was pretty much a go-get shit and hold shit person, oh and clean up person. But it was definately a group collabrative effort.

We had Carters twice this weekend though and it was freakin' amazing. Totally worth the more than hour waits both Friday and Saturday Night. Definately comparable to Coney Island downtown.

This week is going to be hectic, so many meetings to go to, more to film and edit, on top of classes and homework. Definately probably have to pull some late nights just to get everything done. I have 2 weeks to get my website for T-Com done and a psych paper done ha! FUN!

Alright well people are still here at I'm gonna hang with them.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where Have All The Good Times Gone?

So I'm not going to talk about the shitty aspects of the week, I'm going to focus on the good parts.

Last night was this music on Mckinnely thing and I got an email with the schedule of the performers and noticed that one of the RA's who we're friends with was playing as was Ryan from the Ryan Daniels band from back in the day, I'm talking Freshmen year in high school back in the day. I went in wanting to see Ryan play for sure just because I thought it was cool that I started out high school seeing him play and now I'm starting college off that way too. We watched him for a few songs than went and caught Derek's set. Amazing. I love that feeling of seeing live music.

One of the greatest feelings in the world to me is just sitting there and listening and enjoying. We sat there on the grass as the sun was setting, with the sounds of their voices and acoustic guitar filling my ears. Love it.

Then tonight Cameron and I went to see Violet. I had to go for my English class, and thought it was going to suck but honestly it's probably the best muiscal I've ever seen performed. I really liked it. Again it was just this nice tingly feeling that overcame my whole body as I felt the music.

Music Recs:
Way to Normal by Ben Folds and The Glass Passenger by Jack's Mannequin come out this coming Tuesday September 30th, both are sure to be amazing, so check them both out!

Oh yeah my mom and aunt are coming tommorrow....uhh...yay?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Half-Way Through The Week

Not that I feel good about that, I just want this week to be over so badly. I want this stupid astro test to be over. I just want to plug myself in and work on my website for T-Com. I want to lay in bed all day and not have to do anything.

I don't want nightmares about horrible things happening anymore. Last night I had another dream like I had that one time where gas cost like $6 bucks and people went nuts and raided everything. Except this time I was at a grocery store and all of a sudden a huge warning siren goes off and the cut to a news report of like this huge ass war like I'm talking World War scale. So people freak and grab a whole bunch of stuff. I just happen to be with Adam and I look over at him and just cry...and he asks me what's wrong and I tell him...that he'll probably get drafted or some thing like that. And I dunno It was just weird I remember I bought like a case of popcorn or something because I was convinced we could survive off of that if we ran out of food.

I dunno weird dreams once again. Then I remember waking up at 5:30 and going oh only 2 more hours to sleep and it takes your body an hour and a half to get asleep really well. Haha cause I learnt that in Psych yesterday.

Alright well I'm off to see Dr. Mike in T-Com....hey atleast it's another payne free day!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hi I'm in Ohio...

We went to White Castle at 1ish AM.

Adam called to tell me he went to my house to get my DDR mat and game for me. :)

Life is Good. College is Great. I believe it when they say these are the best years of our lives.

That's pretty much all I have to say right now.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Late Night Blogging

So it's two in the morning and I'm sitting in my dorm room...everybody else is watching some movie that's dubbed with subs lol so I'm chatting with Marc to pass the time. We'll probably head to bed 4ish as usual to make it up in time for our 1 PM editing workshop. After that we're heading to Columbus until sometime Sunday.

This week has been pretty good though. A lot of stuff happened but it seemed like it went by super fast. Which isn't a bad thing at all. I have a feeling next week will be the same way especially with it being homecoming week.

Adam and Marc went back to Fort Wayne today for the weekend. Adam is supposed to be stopping at my house to bring my DDR mat. haha. We have a countdown on our whiteboard for a DDR fiesta.

Oh CAB elections have been going on this week, so I'll find out by next week if I got president or not. I'm like the only one who remotely campaigned so we shall see. Just another thing to add to my increasingly busy weekly schedule.

My Mom and aunt may be stopping by next Friday to see me on their way home from Turkey Run...again nothing is set in stone. Maybe they'll bring me White Castle, that'd be nice.

Hey I haven't said any extremely stupid things for blogging at 2 AM....goooo me.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Picture This...

A picture from Late Night, minus Kenny. Too bad we didn't get pics of the Karaoke that would've been great.

Today I'm feeling kinda guilty about some things that were said between me and the boy...seriously makes me feel bad. I wish that conversation never would've happened. Mucho tension today at lunch. So yeah. Sucks. We'll see how things play out.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Effect & Cause

So, I was reading my English assignment a little while ago and one thing about it has stuck out in my mind; one of the essays we had to read was talking about how kids in my generation tend to use their hobbies/intrests, favorite tv shows, favorite music to cover up whatever they don't want to think about.

Guilty as charged. I tend to do that...ALL THE TIME. Like right now...listening to music is definately helping me keep my mind off of a whole slew of things that I'm hoping will just leave my mind by the time morning hits.

Today, I've thought about so many things it's not even funny. I'm talking things that aren't even related to classes or schoolwork or...any of that. Most of the thoughts were about the past....the present...and yes even the future. I even thought about Mr. Crowley today. As much as I hate to admit it...that man has made a postive impression on me and I'll probably never forget him. I just remember what I heard on three seperate occassions over the three semesters I had him. The 3 Steps to Success: Graduate High School, Don't have a Kid until you're married, Don't get Married until you're well out of college. And dammit...I've already completed the first step...and I don't plan on deviating from the other two either.

Seeing a baby and how much work that has to be put into raising one is the best birth control in the world. No thanks...pass. I'll just let other people have the babies.

Anyway getting away from babies, I don't my head was like the weather outside...a whirl wind of all kinds of things. I questioned things, I decided some things, I considered things, I remembered things, and the day isn't technically over yet...I really don't think the things I thought about should be blogged...because well maybe someday I'll let you in...but for now...definately not.

On a completely different note, Late Night Karaoke last night was hilarious...can I just say 4 guys up there singing "Sarah's Mom Has Got It Going On...." nuff' said. This week is going to be insanely busy and hectic. So I really don't know when I'll get another chance to blog.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Wednesday Already?

Despite feeling kinda shitty the past two days they've been fun. I'm losing my voice...uhh yay? I went to Walmart today to stock up on Tissues and Cough the economy pack.

Free Food tonight so we spent our food money at Noyer and I got this amazing chocolate's in the fridge just waiting to be devoured. I'm not gonna feel guilty about eating it though cause we worked out tonight are going to try to do that more often. Although too much coughing resulted for me so I didn't do all that much.

Tommorrow I'll probably just study and then go to class and Cru...Friday will probably be a long one yet again. We're going to see The new Hulk Movie for free of course. Then probably back here to watch more movies.

My parents are coming down probably next weekend, I haven't heard back from them yet so we'll see what happens. Aside from this cold thing everything down here is pretty great, my grades are good and I'm having fun. So far college is 100x better than high school. Definately go away to school if you get the opportunity it's amazing.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Casualities of the Weekend.

So this weekend was pretty great. Friday night we went and saw Made of Honor at Pruis. Then came back here and watched Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Then after that There's Something About Mary...needless to say we were up until 4ish in the morning.

Saturday we all got up in time for lunch then decided to go see what was playing at the local movie theater, it was all blah so we headed to Target where I got two longsleeve shirts so I can layer. Then we went to the Mall ended up going into Charlotte Rousse or however you spell a whole outfit for like 12 bucks. Shoes and everything. We then discussed going to Texas Roadhouse got there and it was we went to the Village for Pita Pit. Which was pretty much amazing. I want to try a Hummus one sometime. Oh did I mention I dropped my lanyard in the Movie Theater parking lot...and the back popped off my monkey watch.

We came back to our dorm, hungout until late was all good until I tripped over Adam's foot and jacked up my toe. :( So we came back and I iced it...everyone then came back up here to watch Heavyweights with us...we had 7 people in our room last night until like 3 AM lol.

Got up this morning 10:30 ish and did laundry. Went got food...we went to Wally World. Came back to write my English paper. We went to America's Buffet tonight, it was alright....I like The Retreat at Noyer better, more dessert choices. Then we went down to the guys' room to watch Shaun of the Dead. Pretty good movie. Afterwards we went upstairs and I'd forgotten my folder downstairs and as I'm leaving I realize that the clock face on my monkey watch is completely gone. So now I'm watchless. :( So hopefully I'll get some kind of replacement soon...we were at Wally World today and they didn't have any. I also checked their luck.

So yeah...bummer. I need to go study for my Psych test I'm taking tommorrow tis all for now. Yeah I realize this was probably boring to read....oh well.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Political Correctness?

So as of last night, I'm running for President of C.A.B. yes. Vote for me. haha.

Possibly going to the football game tonight and possibly having a movie night. We haevn't decided yet. But when we do, do movie night we're getting Greeks.....stoked about that.

Alright well I'm gonna leave for my T-com class so...later kidz. Just thought I'd let you know about my presidental running haha.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thursday Recap.

So since I've last posted it's been eventful but I have to leave for class fairly soon so this is going to be a bullet point recap.

-Went to Indy this past weekend for a PS3 haha we had nothing better to do.
-Classes have seem kinda slow but the week has been flying by at the same time.
-Doing fairly well in all of my classes
-My parents almost drove down here Tuesday night...gah.
-Went to the Mall yesterday got 3 BSU shirts...hey Buy 1 Get 2 free...not a bad deal
-Buffets on campus are amazing.....
-Celebrated Jen's Birthday
-Movie Night this Weekend.
-Been hanging with the boys a lot
-Going to the football game vs. Navy if we all don't change our minds again...definately eating before we go this time haha.
-My t-com prof is amazing...nuff' said.
-T-com Super Party and Cru tonight...

That's about it.....I think.