Sunday, November 11, 2007

I feel so cold So weak, my lungs are failing Maybe there’s still hope

I hate people who totally contradict themselves. I just want to punch them in the face or throw something at them.

I hate people who make assumptions about people especially when they make the same assumption on a daily basis, it makes me want to punch them.

I hate people who talk about themselves non stop, and not only do they talk about themselves, they talk about the same aspect of themselves over and over and over again. Enough to drive you up a freakin' wall. Guess what? It makes me want to punch them too.

I hate that the solution for everything now days is therapy. I don't want to go to therapy. I'll deal with my own shit thank you very much. I don't care if it is free. I don't need a shrink or anybody else. I've gotten this far on my own, I think I'll be fine. Lonely as a further subconciously isolate myself from everyone but overall ok. I don't need your freakin' pysch back off. I have people I can rant to about the stupid stuff...that's enough for me. They can hear about how life is unfair because Crowley docked my class participation grade or whatever. Heh.

I've yet to fill out one college application. They're due Friday. I'm debating about filling any out. I guess you could say I'm seriously fucking up my future huh? At this point I really don't care, I'd rather join the military and just get shot...seems a lot easier than dealing with the pressure of college and well life. So I'll have a gimp or be really mentally gone but know whatever. It'd sure as hell be a lot cheaper for everyone. Or you know my back up plan of becoming a toll booth worker. Ah the prestige of being a toll booth worker. Dream big right? That's ok, I'll probably die of some disease before then anyways.

This is what happens when you have a lot of rage, sprained ribs that are killing you, and military recruiters calling you all weekend. Oh...and being told that you manipulate people on an apparently daily freakin' basis. I guess I'm a manipulator....and I can get people to do whatever I want for me. Yeah. Right. Let me know when that starts working. People in my life are obviously oh so supportive can't ya tell? By the way people need to stop giving me shit about a certain someone because frankly they have no room to talk.

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