Sunday, November 25, 2007

Do a Dizzy Dance

So, I just got done watching the last quarter of Da Bears Game. Haha, I live close enough to Chi-town to be able to say it like that. Psh. Only 3ish hours away, 1 hour driving to South Bend and another 2ish commuting in on the train. Anyways, wow haha we actually got into it while we were eating our tacos. But whatever, now everything is basically an hour behind on that channel, so that means the Amazing Race won't be on until almost 9...but atleast I'll still be able to watch Brothers & Sisters to see if Kitty goes through with marrying Senator McAllister (I forget his first name lmao)

So my lastfm stats are getting pretty random again. I predict more randomness filled with some Jimmy Eat World, definately re-falling in love with this band again. And...PlayRadioPlay! I don't know why but ever since I was listening to my mp3 player the night before Thanksgiving on shuffle and one of their songs popped up, I've been really digging their stuff. Which is good because I haven't really fully listened to it a lot yet and I've had their stuff for quite awhile now.

I've been having weird dreams about college and dorm life, it reminds me of the summers before freshmen and sophmore year when I had dreams about high school, see I was aloud to have 2 years of weird high school dreams because of the whole switching schools thing. Ah well I'm off to shower and wait for the Amazing Race to come on, enjoy your Mondays if that's at all possible after coming off a 4+ day break for some of you.

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