Wednesday, August 29, 2007

You are my Sweetest Downfall....

I feel like....sleeping. For a long time. Plus I think I'm gettig a cold, I have the start of a sore throat and a stuffy nose. Strep Throat is going around at school. Oh jou.

I'm still lockerless, maybe I'll finally get a locker assignment this Friday during homeroom. We'll far I as I know we're just voting for homecoming king/queen. I don't even know when homecoming is. Hopefully it's not next week I'll feel robbed of a full homecoming because it's only 4 days instead of 5. Blah.

I'm a loser, I don't have a partner for my government project. Like we're supposed to. It's just easier for me to do projects on my own, that way I don't have to rely on anyway else and worry about them screwing it up.

Oh and I just got my hair cut like a few weeks ago right? It's already noticably grown haha. My hair is crazy like that. It grows supppperrr fast.

I really don't have much else to say...besides school isn't as fun as it used to be, even though we did get to watch Star Wars in English the past 2 days. Senior year so far = blah.

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