Monday, August 20, 2007

I Knew It!

So today was my first day of Senior's supposed to be all grins and giggles right? obviously don't know me and the karma that follows me around.

First of all, the bus was wayyy late and the fire alarm thingy kept going off and it looked like I was making it do that because I was sitting in one of the seats with the emergency exit windows so I had to keep pressing down on the lever to make it stop buzzing. Gah. Luckily I avoided the rain while waiting for the bus so that's good.

I go to homeroom, and we have to change classrooms cause of Todor..blah. We get our lock assignments....good location....crappy ass locker, if you can even call it that. You know how most lockers have like a bottom to them, and a hook or whatever? Mine...doesn't. All I have is this door that opens up to dirty hooks and the handle for the top part is broken off so I can't even get that open. Gah. But a lot of people were given the wrong combos for their the school had to call downtown and their sorting out the issue...maybe I'll get lucky and get a new locker all together?! *fingers crossed!*

1st Period Crowley's class aka Gov/Econ....not so bad except for I sit by some really annoying people. Damn alphabetical order! Atleast Kelly is in maybe she'll help keep me sane and we can keep our book in the classroom.

2nd Period Advanced Foods, this class should be fun, I actually know some people in there and my kitchen group is pretty cool. Plus we get to pick our own recipes and make them...score. I have no complaints about this class.

3rd Period, Senior English. Gah. The teacher seems nice enough, but I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of homework involved unlike the previous two english teacher's I've had at Snider. We already have vocab words we have to learn for Wednesday and we have to read like 2o pages of stuff and have a quiz over it tommorrow. Plus we already did a journal thingy today which we had to turn in for points. Oh man....why me?

I have B lunch for the first time in my life. Which is ok...becuase Erin, Kieara, Emily, Clara, Amy, and a bunch of other people have it to. But lunch is chaos...we got a new computer system and it's all touch screen and yeah. But lunch has gone from a half hour to 40 minutes. I just have to haul ass to get down there so I won't have to wait in line forever.

4th period Pre Calc....teacher is nice....and well your typical quirky math teacher. All of my math teachers have been pretty quirky besides Mrs. Wells and I can't think of her name right now but I had her for geometry.....well I guess all the quirky ones were guys haha. Anyways, we're doing this worksheet so he can see how much we know...blah blah. So yeah, it should be ok. We're going to spend the first 18 weeks pretty much reviewing before we even get into pre-calc.

I made it out to the parking lot fairly fast and it was pouring out. We get out to Erin's car to find out that she had locked her keys in the car. So we run back to the school and I'm pretty soaked along with notebooks/handouts/and my lit book. Gah. But we got to talk to Tristan a bit so that was fun.

I came home and blow dried my papers, notbook, and text book....they're all kinda wavy....uh I hope I don't get charged for a damaged book and hope that it'll kinda unwave a bit. I also blow dried my shoes....and guess what!? It's supposed to rain every day this week but Wednesday. I think I'm going to get a rain poncho lmao.

Well I hope the rest of my year goes better than this. Today was just craziness. My head hurts gah.....I need to go read about Anglo Saxons or whatever. So I'm out kidz.

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