Monday, August 13, 2007

What Did You Expect From Me?

Oh man, the first day of school is a week away and my sleeping pattern is so screwed up. I actually went to bed around 11:30 last night, buttt...I didn't actually fall asleep till probably around 1ish. But I got up around 9 this morning, so I guess that's progress? ha.

I had a bad dream that I had a non-existant locker and I was running all over the school just trying to find it and it just wasn't there. I hate dreams involving school.

I don't want to go and deal with all those people again....can't I just skip it and become a hermit and never leave my room again? My room doesn't's not annoying, it doesn't judge me. It's just here....somewhere where I am pretty much all day....every day....and I don't want to leave it. I have everything I need here, except for you know food, a way to cook the food, and a bathroom. I'm sure I'll feel differently come say Sunday night...I'll be all...I can't wait to see so and so...blah. But right now I don't want to go.....I just want to be left alone. I've gotten used to entertaining myself...and not interacting with people.

It's funny really, I'm 17 years old, I have my drivers liscense and all of that....and I'd rather just sit at home....not really but that's all I seem to do. I guess I'm not your sterotypically american teenage girl. I don't go out every night/day, and I don't text 24/7. Oh well I guess.

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