Thursday, March 29, 2007

You'd Like to Think You're Invincible....Oh Weren't We All Once....

Hello World....I had started a post last night but got interuppted and so didn't get to finish it. Ah oh well. There's no rush tonight anyways, I'm free of Chem homework for a WEEK yes! Spring Break is next week....aka a much needed mental break from any homework what so ever.

So yesterday, we did a TV swap in my house...well TV's changing rooms and such, so I'm up from a 13" to a 22" now...excellentness. So now I have this cool little Technology nook thing going on in my room. I like cleaned the whole TV area off so it's looking all nice, shiny, and new....I adjusted the position of my stereo and such. Oh and I got the atenna for my radio rigged up so it gets 91.1 now, finally a decent radio station to listen to when I'm not in the car. Minimal commercials and no annoying DJs...could it get any better? Actually it could if they played x102.3's old lineup...that was freakin' amazing near the end. Ben Folds....Death Cab....ect. Anyways during the whole TV swap my arm got like pinned up against my wall for a split second....turns out it was long enought to put a nice bruise on it...Sarah = Accident Prone.

So it's official, I'm taking the SAT on May 7th at Northside...there's talks of Pizza King afterwards....I haven't had Pizza King in forever...good stuff. So next week I'll probably go to the library to pick up some SAT study stuff...besides the stuff that came with the registration junk.

I feel disconnected with a lot of people I used to talk's not like I've been going out of my way not to talk to these people, it's just that I don't know it never happens. You get to thinking....what are we going to talk about? School? Who wants to talk about school when your not at school? I don't know it just seems like you go through cycles of're friends with people and then it just suddenly ends either when you get new classes or change schools or whatever the case may be. Whatever is, you think wow I really miss hangingout/talking to that person. But yet it's always in the back of your mind, you have so many other things going on that you just keep putting it off.

Again, I guess that's life....people coming in and out through what seem like revolving doors. You blink....and before you know it...they're gone. When will I have more than just a couple of friends who stick? Of course, I'm a senior next year. Graduating....and more colleges are getting tossed around than just IPFW. Possibly out of States ones...more specifically in Missouri. I would love to go to that school, they have amazing programs even though it is an all girls school. So we'll see what happens, distance definately puts strain on any maybe I just should just go along for the ride...and just take the people I have in my doors and appreciate them before they go out of those revolving doors.

Well, I have to go think about my perfect date...not a person...but an activity haha. "Creepy Crowley" and his stupid papers...grr. Oh and I feel a Dashboard kick coming's April and yeah memories.

ERIN ENJOY THOSE 72 aka about $30 worth of STAMPS!!!! haha.

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