Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This is the story of a girl....

So this is my 100th entry on this blog. Whoo! Go me. Although I have a bout 300 some on my greatestjournal of course I've had that over the course of 3 years now.

Anywas to commenmerate(spelling?) the 100th entry I have well part of a poem I started today in English class because I was bored and in somewhat inspired to write poetry today since that's the only thing we've been talking about in that class for the last few weeks. So here it goes, it's untitled as of now.

We met....
When were both so young and naive to the world.
We joked
We played
We laughed....
Created so many memories.
You crushed but never told
Too bad you didn't....
I crushed back.
Do you ever wonder what if?
Would there still be a closer us?
I guess now we'll never know.

And that was that....I may add on more..who knows...ohh while I'm posting poems I'll post my "Love" poem that I had to write for English since she handed them back today. Here it goes...oh and it too is untitled.

Love is close, yet it's so far away
It's something that never goes your way
It's always a boy
But they just see you as some kind of toy
You fall for them fast
But you know for a fact that it won't last
He'll feed you some line
and say be mine
But you know better now
So all those lines make you question how
you ever fell for them in the first place
but then you remember how they made your heart race

Uh..can I get some applause for Sarah's cheesy love poems of desperation? haha....ah well I'm taking my drivers test next Friday! Ahh!! Wish me luck!

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