Tuesday, March 06, 2007

So Shoot Me, Shoot Me In The Smile....

So I've had a pretty crappy day to say the least. It seems like I just can't win today ugh. I feel blah, I just want to take a shower and go to bed. But I have Chem homework of course that I haven't started yet. Oh and Math Homework UGH.

Excel is a pain in the ass. Nuff' Said.

So I started writing this letter to someone in English and it turned into a rant..and yeah, maybe it deserves post-age on here. We'll see.

Tommorrow I take the test downtown for the Dewey Decimal System...so exciting right? Yesterday I practiced Parallell parking...I think I'm better at doing it than actually spelling it haha. Written on Saturday and then my Brother wants me to go with him to CLHS (old stomping grounds....well for a year anyways...ughness) to see his artwork at the thingy or whatever. Gah...Gah...that was part of my rant in my letter haha. By the way the people on their myspace message boards are close-minded ass holes who need to open up their eyes and have an open mind about things. And to avoid getting into that rant now so I'll actually go start my homework I'm going to end this little doo-dah here. Hasta Luego kidzzz.

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