Monday, March 12, 2007


So we had to write love poems last week in English class, and well today they came back to haunt us. Apparently as other people read mind they sensed I feel bitter about love. I guess I wouldn't say that they're wrong. I've been nothing but screwed over in relationships.

So to contrast our love poems that we wrote last week, we had to write love poems expressing the opposite of love. Well....I didn't even know where to begin writing a positive love poem and frankly I didn't want to. So I hope that our student teacher doesn't listen to NFG...I kinda stole their lyrics to I Don't Wanna Know and just wrote them down haha. So yeah...oh well. I guess until someone changes my mind about the subject of Love, than I have no use for it right now.

I hate how people say they love each other like it's nothing. They just throw around the word like it means nothing. I hardly ever say it, I used a whole lot in this blog entry but you know what I mean. The word itself has meaning to people so in my opinion it shouldn't be taken lightly. But yet I guess that brings up the question of what exactly love is. I guess love is different for everyone. But you and I both know the word is thrown around and with no meaning put behind it. I don't know the whole topic just kind of bugs me. Maybe I'm just a jealous, bitter, single girl...who needs a date haha. Ah oh well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

I thought I was in love once. It was one-sided though. I look back it all now and realize it was probably most likely infatuation and nothing more than that. Live and learn ya know? So I don't think love for me has really been defined yet...I know what it's not....but yet I don't know what it is.

So what's love to you?

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