Sunday, March 04, 2007

I'm Waiting For Blood to Flow to My Fingers

So, this weekend has been interesting. In a good way though. Yesterday I continued my quest for shoes...but still came up empty handed. While we were out the Tar-jay area though walking around in the freezing cold weather, we saw Ryan, the kid from my English class...that was kind of ackward. But yet cool at the same time. Then we went to Mejier for the 2nd time this weekend, we went Friday night and saw Erin, and Tom. Then I saw Matt, Tom and Erin all again Saturday afternoon when were there.

So we get home and I'm watching some movie on HBO about roller discos or something haha. Erin calls me and we decided to go see Ghost Riders. By the time we got out of the adition it was snowing like crazy. We go to turn on the highway to get to Carmike and this car slides right infront of us. Gah. We saw about 3 accidents on the way there and made it just in time to the theatre, even though we were only going about 30 the whole way there if even that.

The movie was excellent. Then came the daunting task of driving back home. Luckily it'd stop snowing so we could actually see infront of us. But we limped it all the way back home so it took about 40-45 minutes but hey atleast we're alive and made it back accident free.

Gah I'm going to be busy this week. I have Chem as usual but, possibly on Tuesday I'm going to take my written exam for my drivers liscense, if not Tuesday than for sure on Saturday. Wednesday I have to go downtown to the main library to take a test on the Dewey Decimal System. For a possible Job at the Georgetown Branch. YAY! right? Sarah can always use the cashola..gotta start a car fund somewhere ya know? Anybody know of any good clunkers I could buy for cheap? Luckily Crowley made our next essays for English due the 16th so I don't have to worry about getting that done this week. I'll be glad when this term is over. I'm soooo ready for Summer Vacation. Mostly because I hate Chem, I could deal with the other classes but Chem stresses me out. Gah. I think a lot of the pressure will just go away when I get the stupid SAT out of the way. I've decided I'm going to take it the May 5th. So I won't have to worry about taking a stupid test the week we get out of school ya know?

I've been listening to a lot of full albums lately instead of putting things on shuffle. It's helped me reconnect with some bands, like Jimmy Eat World, The Big Screen...ect.

Ok well I'm tired and I just want to relax for a while so later kidzz...oh and still demand Ben Folds to come to the Fort! See previous entry!

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