Monday, October 30, 2006


Me and Matt had the best time today in History class. We were in groups coming up with the pros and cons of prohibition which took us oh maybe 10 minutes so while the teacher is lecturing, we're sitting there doodling on this piece of paper and the teacher says something about Peep holes, so I draw this face and label it PEEP and Matt writes PEEP all around it I draw a girl and label it BLEEP, PEEP's he writes BLEEP all around her...and finally, I draw a tiny little dude and name it CREEP but he didn't like that name so we changed it SEEP....yep. Lame...but oh so fun. One of my best classes this year....that and drama today...Kenny was working on his "boing" ...ah that Shakespear...funny guy...horny funny guy..ha! Or atleast the guy who wrote the adaption was.

I almost feel like I'm letting people down or no..maybe even myself down because I hardly ever blog anymore. I used to do it every single and write the most boring rants ever. I'm sure somedays I had my good political things, dreams, or something I'd written for school that I liked...but I don't know. I just feel bad posting something completely pointless that nobody but myself sees much worth in. So I guess what I'm getting to(yes I'm good at rambling...sue me!) I'm going to try and think of interesting things I want to talk about. Maybe I'll start writing about them in a slow Espanol class someday....there's lots of those trust me...Oh and Paco came back...(he's a bee...) but uh...we killed him...haha.

In short I went to school in a not so great mood and came out pretty copasetic...Tommorrow is I'm Definately not promising an entry..although I could tell about my Halloween when I was a freshmen....good times up in Busco. We'll see...

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