Thursday, October 12, 2006

Some One Stand Up....

So's becoming pretty risky just to walk in the place. It's like I'm somewhat putting myself in danger every time I walk through the door. I'm exposing myself to potential danger. There's atleast one fight every day...most days there's multiple fights. Some girl got raped on the gym upper deck this week. Kids are smoking pot and such in the bathroom by my History can smell it in the hallway as you walk past. We now have 3 police officiers at our school while school is in session. The sheriffs department was out earlier this week too. Kids are threatening to do stuff....and not like just hit major stuff. They might just be joking but they're acting pretty serious when they say that stuff.

Kids are angery, angsty, and violent. Let's face it that's our generation....completely driven by angst, hate, and jealousy. It's sad but true. Take a look around.....everybody trashes on somebody....a lot of people want to get even and do something they shouldn't do. American public schools are failing's more about being safe than learning things. Not to mention we're learning stuff that should be wise. is the same way though. They don't keep up with the current. I don't see the point of taking a technology class in college when the stuff their teaching you was relevant 5 years ago and not now. No, I don't need to learn about DOS, or use Windows 95'....Vista is coming out soon and most schools don't even have XP. Pathetic.

We're using Office 2000 at school....we're using an old verision of dreamweaver....the internet at our school is like dial up. Shouldn't we be at a point where the whole school is wi-fi and everyone takes notes on laptops? But I know realistically this won't happen anytime too soon, purely because I live in the midwest and not everyone is made of money here and can afford a laptop with wireless internet adapters and such. I guess we're lucky to have a couple of colleges in town that are wi-fi. I'll be attending one of those in a couple of years. Hopefully I won't get stuck taking a java course with Professor what's his face who barely speaks English who I got stuck with at that Java course I took before Sophmore year. So....I'm done complaining about schools...It's just kind of disappointing I guess.

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