Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I went to school today, it sucked, I was in pain all day. I just wanted to be at home in my nice warm bed sleeping it all away. I feel eck right now as I'm typing this. Well..I'm really putting off working on my History final...haha whoops.

So the wedding thing must've gone pretty well, I have two more lined up to do. I haven't really thought about spending my new found source of income yet. I suppose I should save it and see what I get for Christmas...in giftcard/cash terms anyways. If I get a mall giftcard. I'm gonna get me a new pair of shoes. Slip ons just cuz I'm lazy...I'm thinking keds...not vans. Hmm...we'll see. If I'm alive then haha...I'm sure I will be but you never know.

Yesterday was interesting. to say the least, I didn't go to school, stayed home. The mommerz made me a doctors appointment at 4 something so I went and she was like Oh the meds didn't work...oh no. So it can either be some inflamatory thing or pneumonia(closer this time?) so take some more of these meds that didn't work, ibeprofen and oh go get a chest xray just incase. So...we went off to the imagining center and their xray tech had left for the day. So we go pick up the bro at the gramps house, then head to the hospital, where I get braceleted and everything even though it was an out patient procedure and I was only in there 20 mins tops, including registering and everything. Well anyways I haven't gotten any news about the xrays yet, because we had to wait for the radiologist to look at them and they were going to fax that info to my family doctor..so hopefully by tommorrow we'll know something. Yesterday was definately no fun at all. Don't get me wrong...today wasn't so great either and I definately think Ms. Hines and Mr. C could tell I was struggling just being at school today. My other teachers could care less.

Oh I got a 95 on my History Project....god best History grade I've ever gotten, I'm ranked 4th in that class! yes go me! Well...speaking of History I really really really should go try and get atleast 2 more of those questions done! grr.

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