Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Time to move to AZ

So I went to the docotor yesterday and supposedly I have I got some meds and so far they haven't done anything and I still feel really blah. Feeling blah is no fun at me.

We started auditioning for parts for Santa Breakfast today, I've auditioned for a pirate, a mermaid and an elf..haha I'm hoping for either a pirate or an elf since I really don't want to wear a mermaid costume. Just because of that though I'll probably be a mermaid watch haha.

I can't believe it's going to be Thursday already tommorrow...this week has gone be incredibly fast. It's supposed to snow tonight/tommorrow too.....that's real nice if I infact I really have me get pmonia(I know that's not how you spell it haha)

Oh and so a small aircraft crashed into a NYC apartment building. I guess it's an accident as far as we know now though. I heard that it was a player for the Yankees? Eh....I don't when stuff like that happens though.

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