Friday, November 30, 2007


So this is my 200th entry on this blog. Whoo go me. I'm slowly catching up to my GJ, which I pretty much don't use anymore. I just checked and I only posted 364 entries on there. So only a 165 to go to beat that record haha.

Anyways, I'm more than ready for this term to be over. I'm ready to get my ass into lifetime sports so I can start getting some exercise. I'm getting jiggle in places I don't want jiggle dammit. As of today, I'm going to try harder to watch what I eat haha, no more like 2 deserts after the same meal. Lmao. I need to bust out some DDR mostly because I want to play....because I haven't for awhile. But I'm really freakin' out of shape, another reason to start playing so I'm not dying in Lifetime Sports haha. It doesn't help that we ate like fried chicken and buffalo french fries for dinner. UGh. Plus Kool-Aid on top of it. Not good I know. Another reason to get into college, free gym access with student ID. Plus I just read today that exercise can be good for reducing my risk of certain disease and cancers. So yeah since sickly things run in my family, I should probably exercise ha! I'd go running but it's too damn cold out.

Plus Exercise gives you more energy. I loved that part about summer conditioning after the two weeks of feeling like you want to die because you hurt all over lmao. I like the feeling of energy you get, it has to be better than becoming a coffee mixed with hot chocolate drinker....haha, we had that yesterday. Major caffine rush. I'm not used to drinking caffine and whoa baby, I woke up in the middle of the night and my heart was pounding. So yeah, excersise looks like my best bet for well...a lot of things. I'm ready for warm weather! Ah but snow storm supposedly this weekend :(

I'm going to go....I don't know, be lazy and vegitate I guess....since the tv with the PS2 is occupado. Plus playing DDR after you eat...not such a good idea.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Do a Dizzy Dance

So, I just got done watching the last quarter of Da Bears Game. Haha, I live close enough to Chi-town to be able to say it like that. Psh. Only 3ish hours away, 1 hour driving to South Bend and another 2ish commuting in on the train. Anyways, wow haha we actually got into it while we were eating our tacos. But whatever, now everything is basically an hour behind on that channel, so that means the Amazing Race won't be on until almost 9...but atleast I'll still be able to watch Brothers & Sisters to see if Kitty goes through with marrying Senator McAllister (I forget his first name lmao)

So my lastfm stats are getting pretty random again. I predict more randomness filled with some Jimmy Eat World, definately re-falling in love with this band again. And...PlayRadioPlay! I don't know why but ever since I was listening to my mp3 player the night before Thanksgiving on shuffle and one of their songs popped up, I've been really digging their stuff. Which is good because I haven't really fully listened to it a lot yet and I've had their stuff for quite awhile now.

I've been having weird dreams about college and dorm life, it reminds me of the summers before freshmen and sophmore year when I had dreams about high school, see I was aloud to have 2 years of weird high school dreams because of the whole switching schools thing. Ah well I'm off to shower and wait for the Amazing Race to come on, enjoy your Mondays if that's at all possible after coming off a 4+ day break for some of you.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Is it July Yet?

So my house is pretty chilly. I've got the hoodie, the blanket and some nice warm gloves on right now. Luckily I mastered typing with gloves about 8th grade haha. Seriously though this cold weather sucks, my hips hurt at the joint because it's so cold. My body hates cold weather. I woke up this morning and there was ice on the inside of my window. No, the heat isn't on in my house yet, and even when it does get turned on, it's still cold in my room because for some reason the heat doesn't reach my room...I get no air conditioning in the summer though either. Both are good ways to like keep the pounds off though haha, in the summer you sweat it all off in the winter your constantly moving to stay warm.

But luckily last night we made a big pot of delicious chili so I had some again for lunch today....sooo good. If there was a microwave at school that I could use then I'd definately take it for lunch. But unfortunately there's not. Ah well I just wanted to whine a little about being cold, so later kidz.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

You Won't Go Down Alone....

So I did it, today I killed off the main character in the story. He's gone. I knew it was coming and I'd put it off as long as I could because dammit I loved his character. But now's sad. Seriously this story has put me through the wringers, I'm totally attached to these characters, so I feel for them. Is that healthy?

This is why I don't think I could write professionally, I get too attached and drag it out as much as possible haha. On a lighter note, today has been pretty awesome on so many different levels. I don't even have time to get into all the awesomeness of today. But yeah, depsite having to kill off a characther I've been in a pretty good mood, so that's always copasetic with me.

Monday, November 19, 2007

My Moves Are White (Hot That is...)

So, I'm kind of on a writing streak right now. No, not blog writing although it may seem that way. So, yeah I thought I'd just let you know incase I don't post a blog for awhile (which means what 3 days? haha) Also I linked it up with a screenshot from my facebook, so maybe I'll get more hits now? I'm sure people would just love reading about my oh so exciting life.

Anyways, later kidz. Have a good Turkey Day!!!

P.S. I'm already sick of Turkey, ate it 2 days at school last week and had Turkey Soup today.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

This Is Fact Not Fiction, For the First Time In Years.

It's funny what 4 years of high school can do to you. I'm quickly approaching my last semester of high school, and it's been one hell of a trip. Not necessarily a good one but one hell of a trip none the less.

You start out freshmen year being stoked to be out of middle school. Whoo, I'm really a "big kid" now. I get to change classes more than just walking across the hall half way through the day. I get to choose what I want for lunch every day to some extent. My favorite freshmen year was always Lays KC Masterpiece BBQ Chips, a package of Zebra Cakes, and Pineapple Orange Banana Juice. Of course I always had to keep track of my lunch money which was a pain. I suppose that's teaching us how to manage money? If we spend it before the week is up we're screwed and don't get to eat lunch? ha. Plus we'd have friends that need to borrow some, now usually you'd hopefully get paid back within the week but then you have those friends that never seem to pay you back. Not that I have many of those. Freshmen year was actually pretty informative not just educationally but socially. I figured out that I'm a lazy kid when it comes to studying and my grades reflected that. I had grades as low as D-'s then. This past quater of my Senior year I had a 4.0 GPA. I was also thrown into this situation where I knew people but only really fit in with a few of them whom I had previously gone to school with, so I had to make new friends.

Making new friends when your 14 is frankly easier said than done. Especially when you have a fresh scar on your arm that looks like a suicide attempt. Your math teacher is nice enough to put you in the back though and you meet some kids by talking to them about their drawings or book they're reading. Then you meet other kids through those couple of friends you had previous to high school, and yet other friends in the most random situations. And you eventually end up freezing your ass off with them all winter waiting for our buses.

You're 14, and your like ok, so it's gotta be cool to be dating someone right? You go out with the football player guy who somehow picks up that you're feeling like shit one day when you had just found out that one of your favorite bands had broken up. ( I think we all know which band that is.) That guy turns out to be pretty much a jerk, but you were young and pretty much infatuated so what can you do? You realize over the next 3 years what a huge mistake you made. Because even before you went out with the jerk, you'd like someone else. You realized you blew that big time, and you could literally slap yourself upside the head for doing something so stupid.

You're not only going through all this school drama, but the drama at home starts then. You come to the realization that you have to change schools. You wish you didn't have to, and would actually prefer not to. But you realize that transferring in the middle of a quarter or after a semester would be a lot harder, both academically and well friendship wise. You had no choice. You want to tell people why but it hurts, it's hard, you can't. It's still something you struggle with to this day.

I got a semi-fresh start Sophmore year. I wish I didn't have to have one, but it was out of my hands. Sometimes you wonder what it would've been like if you had started out at the school you're going to now. But then you realize, that you wouldn't have made some incredible friends and never would've met some other amazing people. So you don't really regret going there, just a select couple of things that happened there. All that couple with what has happened in the past 3 years has only left me wanting another fresh start. A clean slate with new people, new places, new challenges. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to leave some of you behind and I won't, but I need to be done with high school. I need to put these past 4 years behind me and start thinking optimistically about something for once. So sorry if I seem overally excited about going away to college, sorry if I talk about it too much. You just have no idea how hard it's been. HIgh School has left me feeling trapped, I need out.

Heh, plus I probably got just a little carried away with this blog, but what's done is done. And apparently I use contractions too much according to my English teacher so deal with em'.

Friday, November 16, 2007


I want to throw my stupid piece of crap DVD player up against the wall right about now. It worked like crap before, I always have to warm it up, it never just takes off and plays. Tonight I turned it on at 8 and it the freakin' DVD didn't load until 9:45. WTF!?! Now I had to clean the disk and I put it back in and it won't freakin' load again!?! GAH! I want to kill it. Stupid Samsung piece of shit. Somebody get me a new decent DVD player for Christmas? heh.

Ever feel like listening to music and then realize you have no clue as to what you want to listen to? Ok so that was a dumb question because all of us do that. I don't know, I guess right now I'm breaking out some stuff I haven't listened to in awhile and it's almost refreshing. I can't do like I used to do in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade where I could listen to the same album for like weeks or months at a time and be cool with that. I guess the whole thing was then I didn't have half the music library that I have now so selection was limited. Now I have so much that it's like whoa sensory much good music and not enough time in a day to listen to it all. I have roughly 8 days of music just opened up on my windows media player right now. I still have stuff sitting on my hard drive that's not opened up on WMP, and a shit load of cds that aren't ripped to WMP either.

Anyways, I don't really know the point of babbling about my music collection but whatever right? Oh Turkey is a really boring meat like chicken. I've ate it the past 2 days and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. haha.

Oh and I definately think I need to hangout with some certain people before I loose my sanity. But that probably won't happen till after the holidays so we'll see. Damn...this half of the year has gone by fast, next thing I know it'll be May and I'll be graduating. Which frankly at the moment sounds amazing and exciting. I don't have a bad case of Senoritis like some people I know but high school is just getting so old. I'm ready for a fresh start.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Maybe I Don't Wanna Go....Can't You Wait?

So, things that were ok today, Watching 4 episodes of ER. Plus I still have 6 more to watch before Thursday. Vegetable Soup for lunch, and Cheerios chex mix.

Ribs still hurt, I'm tired. I don't feel like going to school tommorrow. I have to so I can take a test and assemble a casserole. It's raining. My body aches. Sometimes I just feel like lying under the covers and watching TV. The only thing that would top that is lying under the covers and watching TV with well...him but that ain't gonna happen.

I have to go finish some Math extra credit cuz I got a low B on my last quiz. Plus gotta study for Econ test since Crowley jacked my class particpation grade. Apples with carmel suddenly sounds really good right now. How much randomer can I get?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I feel so cold So weak, my lungs are failing Maybe there’s still hope

I hate people who totally contradict themselves. I just want to punch them in the face or throw something at them.

I hate people who make assumptions about people especially when they make the same assumption on a daily basis, it makes me want to punch them.

I hate people who talk about themselves non stop, and not only do they talk about themselves, they talk about the same aspect of themselves over and over and over again. Enough to drive you up a freakin' wall. Guess what? It makes me want to punch them too.

I hate that the solution for everything now days is therapy. I don't want to go to therapy. I'll deal with my own shit thank you very much. I don't care if it is free. I don't need a shrink or anybody else. I've gotten this far on my own, I think I'll be fine. Lonely as a further subconciously isolate myself from everyone but overall ok. I don't need your freakin' pysch back off. I have people I can rant to about the stupid stuff...that's enough for me. They can hear about how life is unfair because Crowley docked my class participation grade or whatever. Heh.

I've yet to fill out one college application. They're due Friday. I'm debating about filling any out. I guess you could say I'm seriously fucking up my future huh? At this point I really don't care, I'd rather join the military and just get shot...seems a lot easier than dealing with the pressure of college and well life. So I'll have a gimp or be really mentally gone but know whatever. It'd sure as hell be a lot cheaper for everyone. Or you know my back up plan of becoming a toll booth worker. Ah the prestige of being a toll booth worker. Dream big right? That's ok, I'll probably die of some disease before then anyways.

This is what happens when you have a lot of rage, sprained ribs that are killing you, and military recruiters calling you all weekend. Oh...and being told that you manipulate people on an apparently daily freakin' basis. I guess I'm a manipulator....and I can get people to do whatever I want for me. Yeah. Right. Let me know when that starts working. People in my life are obviously oh so supportive can't ya tell? By the way people need to stop giving me shit about a certain someone because frankly they have no room to talk.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


So last week was let's just say BLAH. I really don't want to get into details but I'm semi-healthy now. So that's good right? Bronchitis sucks....I had it last time around this year too. I hope I don't get again next year because it's a nasty little bugger. Plus I have some lovely sprained ribs as souviners....whoo.

But the good news, almost all of my work is made up, after being out of school for 4 days. Heh. I got to watch the Price Is Right like every day. And now it's freeezing in my room. Damn Indiana and our crappy cold weather. I HATE IT! I serioulsy need to move some place warmer or atleast more exciting if it's going to be cold like this.

I've broken out the Christmas tunes...shh. I actually did like a week ago. Shhh... haha. Please I bet Santa came to the mall the day after Halloween. Psh. Speaking of Holidays, we get Monday off whoo! week at school we're making Thanksgiving dinner! YES! Annddd the week after is the real deal! SO YES! I'm excited about all of that good eating.

K well I should go finish this stupid outline...and learn some vocab words. Tis' all for now kidz.