Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So Lastfm is being dumb and I have a 113 cached tracks waiting to be submitted. I've tried everything I can think of to get them to submit but all have failed. It's frustrating because my neighbors and friends tracks on lastfm are submitting...gah.

Anyways I'm still on a quest to find someone to go to Warped with. I have to call Chris today. Because I know he really wants to go and go with me....because we're show buddies and have good times like that. But if he's not able to go/get us there. Then I have a couple of options. I either wait for Erin to get back hopefully before Monday....which I know she'll be back on Monday for make-up registration at school....and pray to God she wants to go and doesn't have to work. Or....I got a msg on Facebook from Keiara and she seemed like she wanted to go....and I know she has a car but her parents didn't let her drive down there to almost see Fall Out Boy haha. I guess my last option is to just say....crap I guess I don't get to go and 70 bucks of tickets have gone to waste. I can't even give somebody else the paper to go....you have to show ID and it has to match the name on the paper. So that sucks.

Whatever happens, I still wish I'd get another wedding gig lined up. I'm starting to run low on funds, and I'll be especially low if I go to Warped. I guess after next Tuesday I'll start applying for real jobs haha. You know so I might actually have some money to put towards College and or a car to get to college eh....my mom says she'll let me have 20 buckers out of every pay check for play money haha. Yeah she wants me to save....eh. Especially since college kids will be leaving soon. I need to hit up Subway and all those other fine dining establishments :-) Hey, maybe I'll even be able to still do weddings on the side.

Alright well....I shall keep this updated on the happenings of Warped 07' and such.

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