Monday, July 23, 2007

But hey...atleast it's not raining! dad is going to make me an appointment with one of the numerous orthopedic docs in town since my arm/shoulder has been killing me for well over a week now. He said that he'd let them give me a cortozone (sp?) shot but doesn't want me to have surgery on my wrist because it's too risky....especially since I'm only sense in paralzying my wrist when I'm this young. So hopefully they'll be able to help.

I've picked out a haircut I want....I think it'll look cool...I'm thinking about investing in a straightener....we'll see though. I'm kind of lazy and waking up like hours early to straighten my hair doesn't sound like fun haha.

Oh and I just got an email saying that latest Harry Potter book has come in...and is ready for me to check out...I'm suprised that it came in already. I mean it just came out Saturday.....and I figured kids would have them all checked out already. But hey, I'm not complaining.....that'll most definately give me a chance to rest my tired ole' arms and read.

Alright well I have to go do some other that's all for now.

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