Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fire It Up!

Ok so another blog in what less than 2 hours? Ah, I some how forgot to mention the excitement of today because I was so caught up in the excitement of the past.

So this morning I was taking a shower and I'm like rinisng the conditioner out of my hair and I smell something burning...I'm like oh geeze what pop-tart did they burn now? So I quickly get dressed and everything. I go out to the living room and it's filling with smoke. I'm like OH CRAP! I yell at my brother to get out of the house and I grab the phone. So who do I call first? 911? the fire department? NAH! haha. I called my mom and she had me like investigate and yeah there were no flames. So I began to air the place out, and my brother tells me about the power surge I obviously didn't notice probably because I had like soap or something in my eyes at the time. So we're guessing that's what blew the battery-back-up thingy on my dad's computers in the living room.

I guess we're just lucky that it stopped burning and that our power wasn't out from 10 something in the morning till almost six like the people's across the street were. That would've sucked, then I couldn't have gotten my cheesy tv in! I even managed to watch a little ER today :-)

Ah OK, I promise no more blogging today! Again, Happy 4th! Be Safe!

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