Thursday, July 19, 2007

And All At Once....It Hit Me!

So I've figured out why I blog more during the school year than during the summer. Here's my very short list of reaons why.

-No School = No Homework, therefore I don't have many things to procrastinate about.

-I pretty much do the same things during the week...and reporting what I do day to day....would frankly bore me to death.

-I hangout with more of my friends during the school year so more fun/drama happens.

-Plus I got a two week free trial for club pogo...and I'm playing Lottso like crazy...haha yes I'm a nerd/old person in disguise....hmm...

Anyways I watched Transformers the other day...AMAZING! Now I just need to see Harry Potter and some others. I'm actually planning on going to the theater to see Harry Potter haha. Even though it is posted online...which reminds me to put my name on the waiting list at the library for the book. this weekend. It'll be my luck that I won't get it until ohhh my Birthday which is the end of March haha.

Alright well I have a super interesting life of Lottso and Rachel Ray to get back to.

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