Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Let's Pack Up and Leave Already!

So Indy was pretty much awesome. I'm definately moving there....psh, first off can we say amazing food?! Well besides White Castle's and Noble Romans of course, which I got both of...so good. They have Trader Joes down there, plus so many other resteraunts that we don't have here. Oh and gas? It's twenty cents cheaper down there? What the hell right? The biggest city in the state has cheaper gas? Ahh...plus it pretty much make the Fort look like a little underdeveloped Hick town...and to me it is. Mostly because I like big city life better. I like the fact that I can walk places without being looked at like I'm a freak or something and that there's actually public transportation that actually goes places and doesn't shut down at 8 PM. Even if it is just buses.

Anyways, my wedding on Saturday went pretty amazingly too. I seriously only made one little tiny mistake the whole ceremony...I think the couple will like the outcome of the video. I have another one....next weekend. Yeah, these two weddings are paying for my half of my bike that comes out next Monday..yay! I'll be stylin'. nuff' said.

Oh and people who I've been informed who've been trying to call me....leave a message, either I'm here and will pick up almost right away or I'm not home in which case leave a message so I can call you back...so we don't play this whole call Sarah a million times and still yet never get ahold of her.

Alright well it's getting dark enough for fireworks....so I'm outta here for now. Happy 4th to everyone!

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