Thursday, April 26, 2007


So My NFG discography is now finally up to date and finallllly complete as of now. Yes. I just got my hands a on a copy of It's All About The Girls....FINALLY. I've been looking forever and trying to avoid ebay ya know? Heh. So yes. I know it's nothing amazing or spectacular that's for sure. But someday now that I have the whole discography I'm going to have to listen to all their albums in order from start to finsih....I already notice A HUGE Progression from this EP to Coming Home...but wow. I guess it sounds like any band you would hear with some 17ish year old dudes in it. It just sounds...young.

Ok...moving on. I'm no legal to drive....with insurance and all that jazz. But I have to keep a driving log for my insurance thing so I can get a discount or some shizz ya know? So after 30 trips I turn it in and save money...OK's just a nuisance but saving money is always good right?

Show Saturday YESSS! I'm kinda pumped ya know? First local show since God knows when and first any kind of show since uh...last April when I saw Dashboard and I bet you're all really tired of hearing about that. Ha! I really should go do my Chem homework...but chemical equations are really starting to annoy I'm procrastinating. It's what I do. I'm even considering studying some math stuff for the SAT instead of Chem eh.....Well enough procrastination. I'm off.

1 comment:

LincolnH said...

Interesting . . . . I saw your comment on Tommy C.'s podcast, SLM-Cast. Yeah. I am one of is friends. My blog is and my site is! Check them out if u liked Tommy's podcast.
