Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sarah's Revelations for Today.

So Today I've decided on some things. Nothing like earth shattering like I'm going to become an Astronaut or something like that. But, some semi-serious things.

I'll start off light and then work my way into the more umm.....touchy things. So I've decided that whenever I get my own place to live..somewhere out in the distant future. If the place is dull and blah and just WHITE. You know, WHITE walls, WHITE carpet, WHITE everything! Then I'm going to go crazy. WHITE is just a very sterile color. I guess some people like it and I'm not saying it's a bad color or anything. But it's just BORING. Don't you think so? So I definately think I'd liven up the place with color. Bold colors. Not like pale off-white crap. But bold primaryish colors. I kind of like the southwestern feel with the deep reds and oranges. But who knows....I'm 17, why am I interior decorating now? haha. I guess this was all brought on because today at school I finally got a copy of the cribs episode with Ian on it...and his house was practically ALL WHITE. Gah. Even the sheets/blankets on the man's bed were WHITE and his walls were so..empty and blah. But each to their own right?

So moving on to the next thing, I've decided that I'm not going to worry about offending my very conservative...very patriotic friends who would probably give a kidney to Bush if he asked. There parents have taught them how to be mirror images quite well I guess. I mention that I have gay friends and watch get the look of death. Whatever.....if someone is nice to me....I'll be nice to them. That's just in my nature. I know I've mentioned before that close-minded people who think that all of life revolves around relgion annoy me. But don't get me wrong, I'm a religious person...probably not a "by the book Christian" but who cares...why should a person's friends and their sexuality affect your religion? Uh...yeah. It shouldn't. Get off your soapbox kids. Welcome to real life. Being prejudice isn't going to get you far....and now you're thinking get off your soapbox're totally off base and are going to go to hell for saying all this crap. Whatever.....judge me if you want. I'm beyond caring. I don't need Negative people in my life telling me whom I can and can't be friends with/associate with. So screw all you haters. I don't care.

Think. Live. Learn. Love. Embrace.

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