Saturday, April 14, 2007

Where Is Your Boy Tonight?

So...sometimes Sarah just needs a guy who understands the greatness of her music collection. Or who likes the same TV shows so they could watch them or discuss them or something. It's not like she watches freakin' MTV reality television all day....meh. (which by the way is now an official word. Pretty nifty huh?) She needs a guy who can be serious and fun...and who'll listen just for the sake of listening. She has friends who are guys....sure some of them are funnn and nice....and understanding and listening and yeah...but the little quirks about them get to her...get on her nerves sometimes. She's probably a little too picky I guess....But oh well...she always says whatever happens happens....and she'd rather go out and have fun with her friends who are guys than just sit at home lonely and miserable because she's there.

Oh and I most definately realize I just wrote that all in 3rd person.

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