Monday, April 23, 2007

Well we'll float on, Good News is On the Way....

So the only thing that could top today would be getting my hands on a rip of Cribs featuring Ian Grushka. Because I was out practing my Parrallel parking when it came on Sunday. Or if anyone happens to know a re-air date that would be freakin' amazing.

So, yeah I just blogged on GJ so I really don't have much else to say for myself, besides the fact that if you've been checking out my lastfm lately my stats suck...because I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately, but I think my music listening has most definately picked up tommorrow I won't be home but after that watch out. Especially since I have a term paper that's due coming up to do.

Alright kids.....that's it for the way, like the new layout/color scheme?

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