Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What Does My Brother Know About David Hasselhoff? I can't even spell his name right.

So maybe I'm not the best conversationalist in the world. So...I seem to be running out of things to say quite quickly these days atleast when engaging in Instant Messaging. I don't know, yes I am signed on AIM what must seem like 24/7. But in reality I don't use it all that much. Not like I used to anyways. I guess it's become boring and dull and not one of the top ways of communicating for me. I only sign onto MSN because it checks me email automatically for me...and that's pretty nifty for someone lazy like me.

The same goes for Social Networking sites like myspace and facebook. They've become boring, cliche and old. The only thing that's keeping me from ultimately deleting them would be the blogging function. I enjoy reading people's blogs and reading what they have to say. I suscribe to quite a few people on my friend's list on myspace....they're all different and unique and have interesting things to say. I guess sometimes I'd just like to see how people use the whole blogging thing. Some use it to promote/review music, other's as a personal journal/diary sort of thing...the possibilites are endless.

So maybe I'll just stop signing onto messenger. The only thing, is that sort of makes me feel that I'm not available to for people to talk on the off chance that they would for some reason want to. We'll see. I guess this is all just proof that nothing is as good as a conversation that is in person and face to face. Then it sort of forces you to talk to that person because you're not distracted by switching songs, posting on message boards, reading news sites, checking email...ect. Sure we're all master multi-taskers by now but some things just shouldn't be interrupted by multi-tasking. For example: Thinking about a blog you're going to write when you should be paying attention to driving haha.

So get a blog..not saying you have to or anything....but if you feel compelled to do so than do it....and drop me a link....I'll add it to my list of blogs I read. Which is always growing. So fast that I've started a new section on my favorites just for blogs. Haha. I'm a nerd. I know. So, while I go work on my conversation skills, have a good rest of Spring Break..that is if you're even on Spring Break right now.

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