Sunday, April 29, 2007

I Get Angry When Your Around.....

Everything is so....uninspiring and hopeless right now. I'm dreading tommorrow majorly. I'm so SCREWED. The only thing I actually finished was my English homework....well I finished that well enough just to make Creepy happy. Heh.

I guess it's all just frustrating. I have less than a week until SAT's and now I'm starting to stress about this....and that's not good. Because Sarah and stress don't mix well.

Ah well the show Saturday night was awesome, and besides almost getting a bloody nose, almost getting a guitar smacked into my forehead, and meeting some awesome kids ...well besides Chris I already knew him :P...the most memorable thing was what Tony from Saints said. He said that no matter what you like and where you are in life...if you're not're the only one who can change that. You have to be the one to take the intiative and change things for yourself. You see..before you can even attempt to try and help and make other people happy, don't you yourself have to be a happy? Or atleast satisfied about where you are in life.

So...maybe some changes in my life are coming. Changes that I need to make for me. So that I can better myself. You know so that when I see certain people, I don't want to punch them....haha.

On a plus note...I think I got almost all of the sharpie from the coatrack last night off of me. (yesss....look confused and say what the hell is she talking about? that's FINE with me. haha.)

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