Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What else?

So I'm writing a blog in an effort to get my mind off my homework that I'm putting off and to stop thinking about a certain guuuuuuuuuyy yes guy. Who yeah is in my 4th period class. Mmmhmm.... yeah. Let's not get into that k? K. :-D

So we went to Mejier last night and you people should so shop there because Matt, Erin and Tom work there..so yeah. Go say hi to them....I'm pretty sure I'll get banned from Mejier just for talking to the employees to much now haha. Anyways me and the mommerz were buying some stuffs and we were all done checking out and realized we forgot oil so she gave me the bags and I went out to the car. While I was waiting I turned on the radio. OUR RADIO STATIONS MAJORLY SUCK! Gah....I tried the Bear....oh good god..every song that they played sounded exactly like the one before it. Then I tried 91.1 and they were playing crap too. So I went to 102.3....formerly x 102.3 and they can't even play any decent spanish music...god atleast give me some RBD or Juanes...come on man your killing me here! So Finally I found and AC/DC song on Rock 104...and Queen came on after that...gah. I miss x 102.3 sooooo much. They were playing Folds, and Death Cab, and just so much more stuff that I like compared to all these other crappy radio stations we have. I guess I need to start remembering to take CDs with me when I go places. Or if I know I'm going to be in the car a long while bring my mp3 player with the thing that puts it on the radio...gah...it's so frustrating.

Alright well I guess I should go work on my Espanol Worksheet...blah blah blah...School sucks except for the people...the people rock...the work sucks.

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