Wednesday, December 27, 2006

*Insert Cheesy Title Here*

So there should be a law that says Sarah can't have a winter break because it makes her incredibly lazy. Plus it makes her sit on the computer too much which is baddd for her. It also makes her think about spending money and gives her the leisure time to sit and shop online for things haha. Like you know for things like these:

Mostly because I'm too cheap to buy the real deal...and I don't like the checkerboarded ones because they make my feet look fat lol. I tried a pair on at Journey's last checkerboarded ones..HORRIBLE looking on my feet. So yeah, I think I might be making a trip to Tar-jey...(yes....Sarah with it.) this weekend to see if they have these puppies...if not oh well..I'm not paying 4 bucks for shipping. Psh. I only did that with my coolio jacket I bought this summer and it was totallllly worth it. I'd only do it if I had a target giftcard...which I don't. So yeah. I deal in straight up cards are ok..but I always end up with like $1.50 left on them and never get around to spending that.

I've also been listening to a loooot of music. Yeah...pretty much constantly all lastfm charts this week and next week are going to be pretty insane...they'll look like summer charts. Although I have cut some music that I have on CD out of my library to make room for more downloaded stuff. I've been getting into Sufjan Stevens and Lovedrug lately.

There are things I should be doing during the learning lines for one voice and working on my History final, but I figure I have all next week to do that. Eh...TOMMORROW I'll start doing that stuff tomorrow just so I can get it over with. Gr.

Ah well the mommerz just got home so until next time....hasta luego!

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