Monday, December 18, 2006

Taken Back by You.....

So I've made up my mind. I've finally decided to move on. Yes, I know that only took a bazillion years. But I have good reason for moving on. Boy A...yes I'm going to be talking terms of Boy A and Boy B just because I'd rather not say their names. If you figure it out....awesome job and good for you!

Anyways Boy A quite obviously is intrested and someone else and all I ever wanted for him was to be happy. So let those two be happy with and for eachother. We're still friends anyways so it's not like I've completely lost him. Plus obviously it was never meant to be. I lost my chance....I chose infatuation and didn't know a good thing when it was right in front of me.

This brings me to Boy B whom I met last year...and it wasn't until this year that I've gotten close to Boy B...I've told him things and he tells me things. We support each other. It's nice. Plus he's super nice. I think I know why I've been put in his life. I want him to realize his full potential and I don't think the people he associates with now help him realize that. Plus I find myself missing him when he's not there..and empathizing with him. And just wow....I think I'm really letting my start to get close to him. I don't think I've ever really done that with a boy before in this manner. I mean there's things I would never dare talk to Boy A about, that I've talked to Boy B about. Like sex haha. Even if it is in just a joking way....I don't think I could do that with Boy A he kinda freaks out...when I just mention 2 people making out or something. I think that if I was ever in a relationship with Boy A it'd be kind of ackward in the whole physical aspect of things mostly because we've been friends for what a few years now? But with Boy'm just comfortable. It doesn't feel ackward, going up and giving him a hug or anything. It feels right. Natural. and Boy B not officially going out or anything. I don't want to rush it ya know? But it's obvious that we both like each other and there's some kind of chemistry between us. Of course that's what everyone thought about me and Boy A....god...everybody thought we were going out. People were shocked to find out that we weren't. I don't maybe someday...just not anytime too soon. If someday our paths cross again and we get into a realtionship then so be it. But it's time for me to pursue other guys...more specifically Boy B.

So we'll see how this works out. At the very least I've made anothe great friend right?

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