Friday, December 22, 2006

Fa la la la la la..... was fun. Well third period was fun. First period was boring I sat and played games on miniclip the whole period. I suck at virtual tennis...haha. 2nd period we had a test and a "severe weather drill" Boring.

Third period was awesome, we had a white elephant gift exchange and the first thing I picked was this sushi set...and then it got stolen from me so I picked up another gift and got a porcelain shoe...ugh and that got stolen from me and I ended up with a coloring book, pop corn, and hot coco....atleast it was better than the stupid shoe. Then we broke out the food....oh man so much junk food, brownies, chips, salsa, cookies...yumness. Then of course we got the music going and people started getting crazy. Then we decided to play improv games. We played freeze and there were times where we were all literally on the ground laughing. Great class period. Plus we had a sub so we got away with whatever we wanted. The whole thrusting incident was great..and then the whole fake makeout session thing with Josh ("Bob") haha...good times. We were all really hyped up on sugar and excitment after that class.

4th period I was still buzzed from the I couldn't like sit still....and now I'm crashing and like super tired...gah. So I think I'm gonna go lye down and wait for Home and Improvement to come on. OH YEAH, I finally got paid for my stupid thing I did at the Marriage Seminar although We were supposed to get 50..and we only got 30....ah well it's still better than nothing.

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