Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesdays Always Seem to be Good.

Today was much better than yesterday. I got to hangout with the boy and anytime I get to hangout with him it's great. The only downside was falling on my ass on the ice. Haha. My arm hurts a bit but I can move it and everything so probably just sprained it or something minor like that.

It's freezing Raining out right now...if that even makes sense. Lovely weather we have here.

Since I've gotten home all I've seem to want to do is listen to music...reminds me of the old days. I like this feeling. My lastfm stats for this week should be way higher than they have been lately.

Anyways I have to pee but can't, cuz my brother broke the toliet AGAIN, and I'm kinda sleepy and can't think of anything else to blog about. So....tis all for me today kidz.

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