Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

So we had an ice storm hit Thursday night. Our power went out Friday morning at 6:30 I know this because it woke me up, battery back ups start going off and hey I wake up. Friday was spent in darkness with falling temperatures, blankets were abundant and we all huddled together in bed to stay warm.

This morning we woke up to the house nearing the upper 40's in temperature. And everyone and their mothers seemed to call my house. Including Adam which was nice because I was worried about him and Marc when they were driving back up from BSU. My brother and I spent the morning on the couch hudddled under blankets with just a radio. We finally decided to go out to lunch. We passed about 25 power trucks from North Carolina parked in the church parking lot planning out what they were going to do. So we stayed out and went to Walmart because hey atleast they had power. By the time we got back home 4:30ish the power was back on...thank God. If it wasn't we were going to go to my Grandpa's house.

Of course temperatures are still below freezing, and are supposed to continue falling. We have a wind chill advisory and they've said on the news to expect more power outages because once the wind picks up it's going to take those branches that have already begun to snap because of the weight of the ice and most likely take some of them down again. We have the heat cranked in my house just incase and the water bed turned up all the way again just incase too. Plus laptops are charged, so we can watch DVDs this time, lol my DVD driver was messed up and wouldn't read dvds but now it's fixed. This laptop is a piece of shit, it can't see my camera anymore and my webcam just randomly fucking goes out. frustrating.

So anyways we'll see what happens, hopefully the power won't go out. We did stock up on fresh batteries to today at Walmart and candles too. But like I said I'm really hoping I don't have to use them. 1-2 inches of snow tonight and the rumor is that 6-10 inches Christmas Eve. Should've stayed in Muncie, atleast the weather was warmer, the power wasn't sporadic and more friends there to hangout with. Let's cut semester break short shall we? haha. Hey atleast now that I'm breathing warm air my chest doesn't hurt when I breathe, and it doesn't feel like someone is sitting on me. I hope all of you are having better weather than we are here.

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