Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe's Not My Plumber

So I'm up this late on a Thursday night because NO CLASSES TOMMORROW! That's pretty nice...yes. My building is extremely empty not many of us have opted to stay here for the long weekend. But the boy and his roomie have so it'll be fun. We picked up some DVDs to watch this weekend. Watched Duplex tonight and Blues Brothers, Little Miss Sunshine and The Illusionist are in line to watch too.

That coupled with a minor tummy ache and talking to Tom are keeping me up right now but my stomach is calming and I'll probably go to bed in a little bit. Nothing is planned for tommorrow...yay...just sleeping in and relaxing it sounds sooooo nice.

Jack's Mannequin at 1AM is always amazing too, especially at a now mostly empty BSU. So quiet...even more so than Labor Day Weekend. I like it though, it's peaceful.

Alright well I'm off to bed.

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