Monday, May 14, 2007

I'd Kill To Fall Asleep.

Mmm....I'm going off of 4 and half hours of sleep from last night. Yes, I stayed up till 1 AM watching The Sopranos....but it was so worth it. It was a gooood episode. I'm actually suprised I was so awake/alert today for as little sleep I got. Usually I'm worthless with anything less than 6 hours. I guess I've come a long ways from 8th grade when I eat a buttload of pixy stix to stay awake to watch Blink on Jimmy Kimmel. Deep Fried Rolexes! Whoa! Buying Oprah pants for her birthday on QVC...whoa! haha.

Tommorrow and Wednesday we're taking the Core 40 test. It doesn't count for the point of taking it is?!?! Gah.

Ok so I'm having a major brain like failure right now and am totally zoning out and can't concentrate on anything. So yeah...I guess I should get some sleep so I can take a Math Test, a Chem Test and that stupid Core 40 thing tommorrow. Today was Quiz day...tommorrow = test day I guess.

More interesting blogs when I'm more awake and coherent.. I swear. Especially after this week and after the term paper crap.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Core 40 flipping sucks. :[ Most pointless test ever.